The procedure of acquiring swimming pool membership in IITM is very simple. All you need to do is the following steps:
- Go to Gymkhana office between 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
- Get the application form from the desk by swearing that you have got money, a passport size photograph and ID card*.
- Fill the form and give it at the desk.
- Wait until your name is called out (Warning : This might take arbitrarily long time).
- When your name is called go to the desk and, give all the things that you swore for when you took the form.
- In case anything is missing go and get it. Goto step 4.
- Get your membership card and receipt. You are ready to swim.
Looking at all the above steps you might think that it is a painstakingly long process, but that is not the case. For me to get all these steps completed when there was a big crowd of 10 people in queue, only took slightly more than an hour.
Two very efficient people were at the desk. A gentleman, who helped people take oath before giving them the form, and also stapled their photographs on the membership card(going around in between to attend phone or nature's call with all the prospective members waiting). And a lady, who took membership fees, entered half the details in membership card and gave the receipt.
* ID Card strictly means the institute ID card that you had collected from library basement when you had joined the institute. No other cards like mess card, film club card, old swimming pool card, or any other such card from among the few you have got will do.
Two very efficient people were at the desk. A gentleman, who helped people take oath before giving them the form, and also stapled their photographs on the membership card(going around in between to attend phone or nature's call with all the prospective members waiting). And a lady, who took membership fees, entered half the details in membership card and gave the receipt.
* ID Card strictly means the institute ID card that you had collected from library basement when you had joined the institute. No other cards like mess card, film club card, old swimming pool card, or any other such card from among the few you have got will do.