Thursday, February 11, 2010

Characteristics of Speakers giving talks on "Unlock the Infinite Power" | "Power of Subconscious Mind" | "Success : At your finger tips" | ...

I happened to attend a few seminars on some topics that I have listed above. While attending those seminars I noticed that these speakers follow a set of principles, some very peculiar principles. I thought it would be fun sharing what I think those principles are. So I am listing those here:
  • First and the foremost thing 'Never define success'.
  • Be very confident, speak loudly with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.
  • Be over-polite.
  • Ask a lot of questions, and for each answer you get, heave praises (like excellent, wonderful, very good etc.) upon the person who gave the answer.
  • Crack jokes (even though they are ages old).
  • Keep on doing some experiments on audience, and give the results you want to give. Because the audience does not know what everyone's reaction was as they all were looking at the speaker, so what ever the speaker says will be accepted.
  • Ask people their names and use them in examples. Also, remember those names for future use.
  • Give a set of rules.
  • If you use somebody's name in a negative example, clarify after the example that he/she is good, intelligent and it was just an example and so on.
  • Favorite phrases : "I have two news for you. Good news and bad news. Which one you want to hear first?" & "This reminds me of a quotation..."
  • Use some standard textbook examples for self confidence.
  • Keep on telling the audience that whatever you are sharing with them is of great value, is awesome , is superb, is amazing and so on.
  • Keep on telling the audience that they have been so attentive, enthusiastic, brilliant and grasping whatever you are saying, so that everyone feels that everyone else is doing what the speaker is saying.
  • Glamorize success, but never say what it really is.


Himanshu Gupta said...

yeah.. I must say this is an excellent piece of observation... :)

But all these things are necessary to keep spectator's interest. How would you find a person who tries to motivate you with less energy or low confidence.. ;))

secondly , Its hard to define success as it varies person to person. :|

Cracking jokes and interactive sessions are mandatory to sell them self in such a competitive world with a very small target market of such audience.. :D

" Glamorize " success :- I really like this one to associate Glamor with success. ;;)

Well , They always do. Because at the end of the day, " way to success " is their product. But personally , I am not in favor to do that. :)

arpit said...

Ya you need to speak with a lot of energy and confidence to motivate people. :|

Success is very subjective and there cannot be a standard definition for that. But then how can you tell someone how to achieve it when you don't know what it means to them. This was the point I was trying to make.

Even I am not in favor of glamorizing success.
And ya, all your points regarding their business tactics are very valid. :)

Himanshu Gupta said...

Well, agree with your main question but the fact is all the recognized speakers are aware of this fact that success is subjective.

So they always try to speak around some ground rules including some good examples as you have mentioned in one of the points.

Secondly, they are also aware of the fact that there is nothing like success or failure, these words are just a human way to judge his own self or to be happy/sad. At the end of all, we are going to judge by our efforts and attitude in a certain direction, not by number of achievements or failures.

However, I strongly feel that such conversant motivational speakers are required in today's stressful and competitive world even if they add a very little value. :)

arpit said...

All you said is correct given that the speakers are really good at what they are talking about and their motive is not only to make money.

But I still feel that if you understand 'success' then passing on that understanding to people will help more than such talks.